Smoothing Polygons in MaYa part 1/2
This post is a collection of related topics on polygon selection from the AUTODESK MAYA HELP . Click on the links below to read the access the full Help content on Autodesk website. Smoothing Polygons There are four different methods for smoothing polygons. Here you can see Advantages, Disadvantages and When to use each of…
Boolean operation in MaYa
Booleans Mesh > Booleans Tip! Convert the smooth mesh preview to polygons before operating the Boolean. Modify > Convert > Smooth Mesh Preview To Polygons If you need to Bevel your object it is better to do so before operating the Boolean. Booleans Options Edge – Edge classification treats open meshes like closed volumes. Normal…
Maya : Split, Slice, Separate, Extract
ExtractExtract faces from a mesh Edit Mesh > Extract Turn off Separate extracted faces to make the duplicated faces part of the existing mesh. Separate To separate polygon shells into separate meshes Mesh > Separate Split Splitting a shared vertex Select the shared vertex Edit Mesh > Detach To display Vertex numbers:…
Extrude, Duplicate, Extract in MaYa
This post is a collection of related topics on polygon selection from the AUTODESK MAYA HELP . Click on the links below to access the full Help content on Autodesk website. Extrude, Duplicate, Wedge, Extract Extrude edges or faces along a path curve First select the face, then Shift+select the path. Edit Mesh > Extrude Twist…
Basic Polygon Selection in MaYa – Part 2/2
This post is a collection of related topics on polygon selection from the AUTODESK MAYA HELP . Click on the links below to access the full Help content on Autodesk website. Select multiple components Marquee selection, Drag selection Tip! To reposition a marquee box, drag a marquee box, then Alt+drag it to a new position. Tip! Switch to Drag selection by…
Basic Polygon Selection in MaYa – Part 1/2
This post is a collection of related topics on polygon selection from the AUTODESK MAYA HELP . Click on the links below to access the full Help content on Autodesk website. To select polygon components F9 – Select polygon vertices F10 – Select polygon edges F11 – Select polygon faces F7 – Multi-component selection mode will select vertices,…